Babies, Toddlers & Preschoolers

We all understand by now that children’s minds, especially in the 0-5 age range, are extraordinarily open to learning experiences. Here at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix, we concentrate on these critical years of a child’s development with exhibits and programs focusing on early childhood education and school readiness.

Room for Threes & Younger

Located on the 3rd floor of the Museum, this is a beautiful, sun-lit play space exclusively designed for the size, weight, and developmental stages of 3-year-olds and younger.  Room for Threes & Younger is the perfect place to spend bonding time with your child, visit with other caregivers with children of the same age, and watch your child socialize with some new friends.

Baby Zones

Baby Zones are located in each of our exhibits throughout the Museum and are clearly marked as such. These areas are designed for our very youngest visitors and provide a way for families with older children to spend time together in the same exhibit space, while ensuring that the youngest in the family has a safe, playful environment to explore.


The Museum provides programs throughout the month that offer additional play and learning experiences for our youngest visitors including music, yoga and art. See the Calendar for programs such as Brain Time for Babies, Toddlers and Preschoolers.

For parents, the Museum is a rich laboratory for learning about childhood development, early education, parent-child interactions, literacy and more. Children, teachers, parents, grandparents and caregivers all benefit from the exhibits, from early childhood books and story times, to caregiver resource guides and partnerships with other early childhood agencies.

Our programs offer fun and educational toddler activities that will keep your little one engaged!


The Museum environment is built with the needs of children and caregivers in mind. Restrooms are located on each floor of the Museum, with changing tables in each. Family restrooms are located on all 3 floors. Wheelchair-accessible restrooms are on each floor as well. Nursing is permitted throughout the Museum. Those wanting privacy can visit our Nursing Nook situated on the 3rd floor. Other amenities include seating throughout the Museum and toddler-size bathroom fixtures.