As you may be aware, as your child grows up, there are certain developmental landmarks they’re expected to hit across various stages in their life. In addition to the exploration of science and the pursuit of fun, the exhibits at our children’s museum were constructed with these milestones in mind. Are you ready to expose your child to a new, exciting way of gaining their essential life skills? Let’s take a look at how some of our exhibits can do just that!

Fine Motor Skills

This type of skill refers to the dexterity of your children’s smaller digits, mainly their fingers. Exhibits like our Art Studio cultivate the need for touching, feeling, using new muscles for cutting and gluing, and learning how to properly hold crayons, markers, pencils, and more. The Children’s Garden is another great area for a child to work on using their fine motor skills when they sift their fingers through the dirt and help plant new flowers and herbs.

Cooperative Play

Playing well with others is something every parent wants for their child, and as they grow, there’s a shift from parallel play, or playing alone, to cooperative play with others. Social engagement helps with cognitive growth by utilizing the imagination and forming bonds and trust with peers. The Building Big room is a place where children can work together to create forts, boats, towers, or anything else they can imagine.

Gross Motor Skills

The Climber is guaranteed to engage your little one’s muscles as they jump, climb, run, and stretch while overlooking the atrium blow. Gross motor is synonymous with large motor meaning the development and usage of a child’s legs, arms, and core muscles. This tree-like space is the best place to do this! Other exhibits in our museum that offer ways to develop these muscles are Pedal Power where bikes and trikes are abundant, and Move It! where a child can spend time outside in the sun learning through movement.

No matter how old your child is, our children’s museum can help them hit critical developmental milestones. According to Children’s Medical Center, it’s widely accepted that the five stages of childhood development span from newborns to school-aged children. So, whether your kiddo is starting to crawl or running circles around you, they will find something fun for them at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix. If you’re looking for things to do with your kids in Arizona, stop in today to check out some of our exhibits!


Posted August 22, 2023