Educational activities for kids in Phoenix can turn that visit to a museum into a lasting experience. When you ask them about their memories years later, they’ll mention how they were in charge of a restaurant, how they were taught the steps to a native dance, and how they learned how to play drums. They will remember the museum guide and that it was the best trip they ever had. If you want your kids to have those memories, start planning a trip to the Children’s Museum in Phoenix. Here’s some helpful advice for a first visit.
Plan it Now
There’s no such thing as kids being too young to bring to the museum. Many of the activities are designed for kids of varying ages. You won’t have any problem finding the right group for your youngsters. Check the museum’s displays and activities to find out.
Make a Plan
Remember that you won’t have the entire day to spend at the museum. Kids need their naps. Schedule the visit when they’re rested, fed, and alert. That way, they’ll be excited and full of energy for the trip. Make a list of the highlights or artworks you want to see and hit those places first. If you’re there for the activities, take note of the museum’s schedule before you go.
Follow Through
Don’t make promises you can’t keep. If you told your kids that you’d only stay for an hour or two, don’t make them wait there until closing time. That will put future museum visits in a bad light. If you want them to love museums from an early age, stick to your plan.
Let Them Choose
Ask your kids what they want to do or see. Don’t pick the activities for them. That’s one way to let them have some fun while encouraging their interests. You’re also teaching them how to be independent.
Turn it into a Game
Once you get to the museum, hand over the map to your kids. Make it seem like you’re on a scavenger hunt and start looking for the art displays on your must-see list. That’s another tip on how to make the visit fun.
Look for the Interactive Displays
Interactive displays engage your youngsters’ interests. For more interaction, though, let your kids join the fun. Check out the schedule for educational activities for kids in Phoenix at Children’s Museum of Phoenix before you go.