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Event Series Event Series: Toothsaver Necklaces

Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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Stop by the Art Studio and make a Toothsaver Necklace to store your tooth in while you’re waiting for the Tooth Fairy.

During your Art Studio visit, construct a Thing-a-ma-jig using recyclables plus a dash of imagination!

Generously supported by Delta Dental of Arizona Foundation.

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